FaxPress WebHelp: Admin Guide > Setting up the Xerox Gateway > Configuring the FaxPress Xerox Interface

Configuring the FaxPress Xerox Interface

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If you’ve just finished installing the FaxPress Xerox Interface, the FaxPress Xerox Interface Configuration utility will launch automatically. Otherwise, to access the configuration utility, go to:

Start>Programs>FaxPress>Add On Products>Xerox Interface>Configuration

To configure the FaxPress Xerox interface, follow these steps.

1. In the FaxPress Xerox Interface Configuration utility, select the FaxPress tab and click the Add button to add your FaxPress server to the lists of Incoming and Outgoing FaxPress Servers. More than one FaxPress server can be used with the Xerox Interface.
2. Select a FaxPress server from the list of available servers, and enter the FaxPress supervisor name and password. The FaxPress server must be running at least FaxPress 8.0 server software.
3. The FaxPress tab will appear again with the added server listed in both the Incoming and Outgoing FaxPress servers lists.
4. If you want the supervisor to be notified of fax failures, check the Notify supervisor on all failures checkbox and add the email address of the supervisor. Use the Do not process incoming faxes and the Do not process outgoing faxes options to restrict FaxPress server use.
5. Select the Repository tab and click Add to specify a fax repository folder.
6. In the Repository Folder Data dialog box, Browse to and select the fax repository folder created on the FaxPress Xerox Interface workstation. See Creating the Fax Repository Folder for more information.

Enter the User Name and Password of an authenticated user on the workstation, so the FaxPress Xerox Interface can connect to the fax repository folder.

Enter a FaxPress User Name. This is typically one of the user accounts associated with the Fax Repository. (See Assigning FaxPress Users for Each Fax Repository.) This account will be used to send out scanned fax jobs from the Xerox system if the sender’s account is not available. For faxes sent using repository user accounts, printed notifications of fax success and failure are also sent to the repository user. If there are several Xerox WorkCentre Pro systems, each will have a unique drop directory (e.g., XeroxDrop2, XeroxDrop3, etc.) and each should have a default user for the fax repository (Xerox2, Xerox3, etc.). Each of these users must be mapped so they have the same FaxPress User Name and Xerox User name.

To simplify printing of incoming faxes, you may want to route them all to a specific WorkCentre Pro. Do this by assigning the incoming fax line to the default repository user (Xerox1 in the example above). To configure FaxPress line settings, start FaxPress (Start>Programs>FaxPress>FaxPress), log in to the FaxPress server, right-click on it and choose Properties, then select the Line Settings tab, and in the Routing Type section, click the Assign Line to User radio button and select the default repository user (such as Xerox1) from the pull-down user menu. See Configuring the FaxPress for more details.

7. Click OK to save your settings. The Repository tab appears again, with the new information.
8. Select the Incoming and Outgoing Faxes tab.

The Received FaxNotification section provides a number of options for receiving faxes. If you select the Notify the recipient by email when an incoming fax is received option, you can also choose to Attach the fax to theemail notice and Delete the incoming fax after the notice (and attached fax, if selected) is emailed.

Use the Attachment Format section to choose the file format for the attached incoming fax. TIF is the default. The PDF files are image files only; the content is not searchable.

Use the Faxes to retrieve from FaxPress per scan option to limit the number of faxes the Xerox system receives during each scan period. Typically, the default ALL setting is selected.

The Outgoing Faxes section provides a number of outgoing fax options. Use the Repository/ Incoming Fax Scan Period (in minutes) option to have the FaxPress Xerox Interface check the repository for outgoing fax jobs and also check the FaxPress server for incoming faxes at the specified interval.

Use the If the Fax Failed. . . and If the Fax Succeeds. . . options to notify users of fax success or failure status. Typically, you’ll want notifications to be sent for both successful and failed faxes, and you will want to leave the checkboxes for deleting failed faxes, and NOT sending cover pages unchecked, as shown.

9. Select the Email tab.

Enter your Email server’s IP address if you want email notifications concerning faxes to be sent from the FaxPress Xerox Interface. Leave the default settings for the Address of the interface, the SMTP port, the timeout, and the scan period, unless changes are required by special circumstances, and Castelle technical support asks you to make the changes.

10. Select the User Map tab.

Leave the Auto Registration checkbox checked (the default), and the starting ID at ’1’. Click Add to add user mappings to the list.

In the FaxPress User to Email Address Mapping dialog box, you can map a Xerox User to a FaxPress User Name.

If you are configuring the FaxPress Xerox Interface for use with an SBE series FaxPress server, keep in mind that the email functions are not supported.

11. In the example below, the default FaxPress Fax Repository user for XeroxDrop1, Xerox 1, is mapped to the same Xerox User Name. you MUST create a user map such as this for each default Fax Repository user for each Fax Repository, and the FaxPress User Name must be the same as the Xerox User name in each case.
12. After mapping the user, you can enter their Email Address if you want them to get email notifications of received and outgoing fax events. Leave the Email Address field blank if you do not want them to receive email notifications.
13. Enter an optional mapping for any user who wants to use their mailbox ID to authenticate themselves when they are sending faxes from a Xerox WorkCentre Pro; if they are mapped as Xerox and FaxPress users, they can enter their mailbox ID, then the fax number of their recipient, and be authenticated to send the fax.
14. To set up the user for receiving print-outs of incoming faxes, check the Print Incoming fax checkbox, then click the Printer Setting button.
15. In the Printer dialog box, select the printer from the pull-down menu; typically, you will choose the Xerox system.
16. Select the Paper Source, Paper Size, and Binding settings that are the defaults for the printer, then click OK. The FaxPress User Mapping dialog box reappears, with the printer settings displayed.
17. Repeat this process to Print outgoing fax notification for the mapped user. Check the checkbox, click the Printer Setting button, and use the Printer dialog box to make the printer settings, then click OK. The FaxPress User Mapping dialog box reappears, with the printer settings displayed.
18. Click OK in the FaxPress User Mapping dialog box when you have completed all mapping and printer settings for the user. The User Map tab reappears, with the user added to the list. Repeat this process for each user you wish to map.
19. When all users are mapped, click the Trace Tool tab.
20. In the Trace Tool tab, you can check the Trace to file option to log traces of fax transactions.

In the Trace File Name field, enter a complete file name for the trace file.

In the Maximum Trace File Size field, enter a maximum size for the trace files. Trace files can quickly grow very large, and compromise server function.

In the Xerox Interface Temp Files Path field, enter a path to the location for the Xerox Interface Temp files.

21. Click OK to save your settings.


FaxPress WebHelp
Last Updated: 9/12/2007

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